Friday, January 16, 2015

Not Just Michael Jackson -- Thousands of African Americans Suffer From This Skin Pigmentation Disease

Vitiligo disease

Many people have wondered if Michael Jackson intentionally did something to cause his skin to become so white. During the 1980's, it was becoming more obvious that his skin tone was changing and becoming increasingly lighter. Following Jackson's death in 2009, medical experts confirmed that Jackson had vitiligo, a skin pigmentation disease.

What is vitiligo?

Vitiligo can affect persons from 2 years old to 40 years old. The disease is caused when the body's immune system attacks itself, including the body's color producing cells (melanocytes). This condition causes distinct white patches to appear on the skin.

Does vitiligo affect only African Americans?

Thousands of African Americans have vitiligo, but the skin disease can affect anyone, regardless of race or color. Many people believe it affects only African Americans, but this myth is probably due to the fact that the disease is more obvious on black skin.

Cure and treatment of vitiligo

There is no known cause for vitiligo or cure. However, there is treatment that can range from topical camouflage creams for mild cases to steroids and ultraviolet light for more severe cases.

For more details, visit


Monday, January 12, 2015

I know that here in America guns are both hated and loved and that they also kill a lot of people. This writing however is about the weapons we see on the evening news that are possessed by these so called rebels / terrorists / rag-tag groups of people all over the world. My question is how do these people, that don’t have a pot to piss in come up with all these weapons and ammunition?
I know how the Taliban gets there weapons, they buy them, with money from the sale of poppy plants to heroin manufactures, but what about these groups in Africa or South America or Central America, the middle east and far east? Furthermore who is manufacturing these weapons and why can’t they be held accountable for selling these weapons to anyone that has the money which brings up who is giving these groups the money or paying outright for the weapons they have?
I would imagine that the Palestinians get there money from Saudi Arabia and Iran but what about all those rebel groups in Africa and Central and South America. Something should be done to stop the manufacturing of these weapons.